🔗Linux ACL - Access Control List


  • setfacl
  • getfacl



- Comma separated entry.
- Each entry consists of type, value and permissions, separated by colon.
    - type is one of `u` (user), `g` (group), `o` (other), `m` (mask)
    - value is the user name or uid for `u`, group name or gid for `g`, nothing for `o`
    - permissions is the combination of `r` (read), `w` (write) and `e` (execute)
    - if value is empty, then means all users/groups
    - if no read permission is to granted, the replace `r` with `-` for read char
    - if no write permission is to granted, the replace `w` with `-` for read char
    - if no execute permission is to granted, the replace `x` with `-` for read char
    - `-` in value can be ommited, if at least one of `r`, `w` and `x` is
      present: `r-x` => `rx`
    - at least one `-` in value must be present if none of `r`, `w` and `x`
      is present: `---` => `-`
- e.g., `u:wb:rwx`, `u::rwx`

🔗File & Directory ACL

🔗User ACL

- For all users: `u::rwx`
- For user with username 'aaa': `u:aaa:rwx`
- For user with uid '2000': `u:2000:rwx`

🔗Group ACL

- For all groups: `g::rwx`
- For group with group name 'aaa': `g:aaa:rwx`
- For group with group id '2000': `g:2000:rwx`

🔗Other ACL

- For other users: `o::rwx`

🔗Mask acl

- The effective acl is the intersection of given acl and mask acl
- e.g., if `m::r-x` and `u:wb:rwx`, the the effective acl for wb is `u:wb:r-x`

🔗Default acl

For directory, newly create files can inherited from the parent directory if default acl set for the parent directory.

🔗Set ACL - setfacl

🔗Add ACL Entry

setfacl -m 'u:wb:rwx,g:wb:r-x' a.file

🔗Remove ACL Entry

setfacl -x 'u:wb:rwx,g:wb:r-x' a.file

🔗Override Existing ACL Entries

setfacl --set 'u:wb:rwx,g:wb:r-x:o::r--' a.file

🔗Clear ACL Entries

setfacl -b a.file

🔗Apply ACL Recursively

setfacl -R -m 'u:wb:rwx,g:wb:r-x' a.file

🔗Change Default ACL

setfacl -d -m 'u:wb:rwx,g:wb:r-x' a.file

🔗Get ACL - getfacl

getfacl a.file